The Payday loan debt consolidation industry has grown because the payday loan and installment loan industry has been charging high interest and fees to consumers for years. Many individuals cannot get loans elsewhere since the economy has taken a downturn. This is why consolidation can be so important. Because so many people get more than one loan.
This cycle can get worse and worse by consumers taking out other loans to either pay off other debts or other payday loans. We have the solution. Would you please read on?
This vicious cycle can make payday loan consolidation a must to get out of the trap. And to also get these loans paid back promptly.
The program we offer has been voted one of the best programs out there regarding reducing our clients’ payments, stopping the interest. Also getting the debt paid back to the lenders from 6 months to a maximum of 18 months. The lenders we have worked with have also favored our program over the years and we have been eliminating payday loan interest since 2008.
What We Do
We make sure the lenders get paid quickly. This is one of the reasons lenders will work with us versus other companies who hold on to client payments for two to three months.
There are far too many people struggling with their payday loan debts. And these people are having a tough time making ends meet, thus making it necessary to get consolidation.
Having your paycheck eaten up by high interest rates and fees when you see no other way but to take our more payday loans, is a terrible way to live.
This is truly a vicious cycle for most people, and real help is now available. We can work with you to consolidate your payday loans into a lower monthly payment with our consolidation program, even if you have bad credit.
Your balances you owe the payday lenders are consolidated into a monthly or bi-monthly payment that is affordable and very easy on your budget.
Consolidate Payday Loans to Lenders
These monthly or bi-monthly payments are used to make payments to your payday lenders upon your first payment. We will completely pay off your payday loan debt in a short period of time. This way you don’t have to continue paying only high interest and fees every two weeks. You end up not really paying much, if anything, towards your principal balance this way.
Many payday loan consolidation companies will hold your payments for a couple of months and then try to settle. That makes the situation worse, not to mention the lender calls and harassment.
We start negotiating and paying the lenders upon your enrollment. And we are very aggressive in our efforts to help our clients, thus avoiding these calls. We treat these loans as our own and work very quickly on each file to resolve them as quickly as possible.
Here you will find real lender agreements that we have received on payday loans and signature and installment loans. Payday loan settlements & agreements
Our Payday Loan Consolidation Program Genuinely Works!
Payday Loan Debt Relief will provide a tailored program to eliminate your payday loan debt. Below you will also see some of the many benefits our payday loan consolidation program offers you:
- We will lower your monthly or bi-weekly payments and eliminate high interest and fees so you can breathe again.
- We will not hold onto our clients’ money for months at a time as some companies do.
- Our consolidation program will completely pay off your payday loan debt easily and quickly.
- Consolidate all of your payments into one affordable payment without having to undergo some qualification process.
- We will negotiate and enter into repayment agreements directly with your payday lenders.
- We will also stop the creditor and collection calls, eliminating your stress.
- Our firm uses a limited power of attorney and notice of assignment, which takes us from being a 3rd party to standing side by side with you to eliminate your payday loan debt.
- We also offer complete tracking throughout the process, so you are informed each step of the way.
- We also have our own Youtube Channel with tons of tips here
In our process, we use an aggressive and proactive approach with all your payday lenders, whether they are internet loans or storefront loans. Our program comprises four simple time frames, 6, 9, 12, or 18 months, designed to offer you affordability and results.
Just take a second to fill out the form on the right side of this page or call us at 877-734-6700 to get more information. It’s time you started taking your paycheck back again… This comprehensive payday loan debt consolidation program will help you get back on track.
Please help me. I am sorry to ask but my husband’s in a wheelchair and I’m 68 yrs old disabled. Nervous .I got into this mess about 3yrs ogo. I can’t pay this anymore . Please, please help me. It’s with cash express
Hi Loretta, We can help you with this. Please call us so we can discuss the details of this loan with you and give you the options.